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Intermedia Fonds
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30 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Year for Racial Harmony

Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the preparation of the video exhibition “Video Art: The First 25 Years,” which was a part of the Year for Racial Harmony, proclaimed by the City of Winnipeg Archives. This exhibition was canceled and did not run at the WAG. Includes also contracts, a catalogue of films including black Canadians, and 1 photograph.

Women’s Pictures

Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the preparation of the film screenings. Includes also synopses of films, posters and news articles.

WAG Events

Consists of invitations, advertisements, photographs, and other documents related to the planning of various WAG events.

WAG Building

Various floor plans of different floors of the WAG, as well as other spaces such as the boardroom.

University of Manitoba Jazz Band Faculty

Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the preparation of the event. Includes also a set list, tickets, a news release and 1 photograph of a musician.

Tommy Banks

Organization and correspondence relating to Tommy Banks’ Jazz on the Rooftop concert. Includes also tickets for the event, contracts, news releases and advertisements. Various photographs of Banks are included as well.

The Ron Paley Big Band

Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the preparation of the event. Includes also news releases, contracts, newspaper articles, and 1 photograph of Ron Paley.

Results 1 to 10 of 164