- CA WAGA 2023.62-2023.62-2023.62
- Item
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
263 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
2 large 40 cm walrus tusks.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include photographs of artwork by Wanda Koop.
Wanda Koop: Airplanes and the Wall
Part of Collections Management fonds
Documents include photographs and negatives of installation shots of Wanda Koop's exhibition.
Part of Intermedia Fonds
Consists of correspondence and advertising for the lecture.
West coast of Melville Peninsula between Glen Island.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Wheeler Airline, DC4, Landing at Fox Main.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Wild Things: Animals in Contemporary Art
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents from the curatorial department relating to the exhibition Wild Things: Animals in Contemporary Art.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various photographs of artwork by Bill Vazan.