Affichage de 263 résultats

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Lava hardened material that has weathered and broken away and falling down side of ridge. Very sh...
Lava hardened material that has weathered and broken away and falling down side of ridge. Very sharp, hard and angular.
Richard Moskal stuck in a gully trying to cross. Snow was wet and slushy with a stream flowing be...
Richard Moskal stuck in a gully trying to cross. Snow was wet and slushy with a stream flowing below. Ground above very muddy, like gumbo and it stuck to your boots. Area was very barren. Foot tracks across snow on right, by St Onge.
Meltwater streams eroding the landscape and flowing into the sea, ie Louise Bay. Note in the pict...
Meltwater streams eroding the landscape and flowing into the sea, ie Louise Bay. Note in the picture, a "pingo". Very visible on aerial photos, but no known field pictures, prior to this.
Coloured mosses and lichens.
Coloured mosses and lichens.
Close example of hill side erosion due to melting of ice in soil.
Close example of hill side erosion due to melting of ice in soil.
Isachsen weather station in summer. The coastal sea ice has melted. Same coast where we did the s...
Isachsen weather station in summer. The coastal sea ice has melted. Same coast where we did the sea ice black dirt experiments earlier in the summer.
Soil erosion is constant and very natural on the Island. Huge ice lenses below the ground melt qu...
Soil erosion is constant and very natural on the Island. Huge ice lenses below the ground melt quickly and the fine sandy and gravelly wet soils slump away by the forces of gravity.
Close up view of tundra soil erosion and gravity movement. Permafrost ice, when melted made excel...
Close up view of tundra soil erosion and gravity movement. Permafrost ice, when melted made excellent tea or coffee.
Three aircrafts by Air Ltd.
Three aircrafts by Air Ltd.
Shoreline of west coast of Hudson Bay at Churchill. Granite boulders with scrubby, stunted, very ...
Shoreline of west coast of Hudson Bay at Churchill. Granite boulders with scrubby, stunted, very old Spruce trees.
Résultats 31 à 40 sur 263