- CA WAGA 2023.62-2023.62-2023.62.046
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Kolout preparing shot seal for dog food on sea ice.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
North West coast of Melville Peninsula, with rivers and streams running into the bays.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Inland topography around Gladman Island and Garry Bay along the N. W. coast of Melville Peninsula.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Inland topography around Gladman Island and Garry Bay along the N. W. coast of Melville Peninsula.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Eskimo cemetery on high ground overlooking the buildings and homes in Igloolik.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Kolouk, our guide, his dad and two of his children.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds