Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
- File
- 1982-1995
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include correspondence, slides and photographs relating to the Pellan exhibition in Montreal. Also included is a traveling exhibition agreement.
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Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include correspondence, slides and photographs relating to the Pellan exhibition in Montreal. Also included is a traveling exhibition agreement.
Part of Intermedia Fonds
Various maps and floor plans of the auditorium, as well as correspondence. Also included is 2 photographs of the auditorium.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence regarding Morris’ windows, various photographs and photocopies of window designs. Morris and Company advertisements and a list of orders relating to All Saints Windows.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include the model release forms and a checklist for the photoshoot.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include a crate list, shipping forms and various correspondence.
Miscellaneous Works from WAG's Collection
Part of Collections Management fonds
Documents include various photographs of works from WAG's collection. Works are mostly ceramics, contemporary and a few Inuit sculptures.
Miscellaneous newspaper articles on the subject of the WAG.
Part of Education and Public Programs
Various slides from the education department relating to various events, exhibitions and artwork.
Miscellaneous P.R. Photographs
Part of Education and Public Programs
Miscellaneous photographs of various events, activities and figures involved in the Wag. Many photos unlabeled and undated.
Part of Collections Management fonds
Documents include photographs and negatives of various miscellaneous Inuit sculptures.