- File
- 1998-1999
Part of Director's Office fonds
Documents include a summary report on the Museums and the Web conference and information on The Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art’s “CCAnet.”
263 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of Director's Office fonds
Documents include a summary report on the Museums and the Web conference and information on The Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art’s “CCAnet.”
Part of Intermedia Fonds
Winnipeg Musicians’ Association and American Federation of Musicians’ contracts.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence, a map of the gallery, various articles and on Turner, resumes, lists of works and 1 photograph.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence and planning in relation to the exhibition “Naadohbii: To Draw Water.”
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include photographs of the opening at the WAG for Naoko Matsubara’s exhibition, as well as photographs of Matsubara’s artwork.
Part of Collections Management fonds
Consists of correspondence and a report regarding the CHIN Database cleanup.
National Museums Assistance Program
Part of Director's Office fonds
Correspondence and documents from the National Museums Assistance Program, regarding various grants for the WAG.
National Museums Core Funding 1979-1980
Part of Director's Office fonds
Various correspondence, program plans, and proposals.
National Museums Core Funding 1980-1981
Part of Director's Office fonds
Various correspondence, program plans, proposals.
National Museums Core Funding 1981-1982
Part of Director's Office fonds
Various correspondence, program plan and activity report.