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Loading sled for trip across Melville Peninsula
Loading sled for trip across Melville Peninsula
Husky dogs in fan hitch, tied to sled
Husky dogs in fan hitch, tied to sled
Richard Moskal on frozen sea ice. East Coast Melville Peninsula.
Richard Moskal on frozen sea ice. East Coast Melville Peninsula.
Tea break on sea ice east coast Melville Peninsula.
Tea break on sea ice east coast Melville Peninsula.
Eskimo camp at Kingmitovik, East Coast.
Eskimo camp at Kingmitovik, East Coast.
Lunch on sea ice. Note fan hitch to sled for 12 dogs.
Lunch on sea ice. Note fan hitch to sled for 12 dogs.
Ice pressure ridge, south west comer of Hall Lake.
Ice pressure ridge, south west comer of Hall Lake.
Crashed York 4 engine cargo plane near Observation Monument, southwest corner of Hall Lake. Shown...
Crashed York 4 engine cargo plane near Observation Monument, southwest corner of Hall Lake. Shown on map.
Travelling by dog team in the valley of the Kingora (Kingwa River).
Travelling by dog team in the valley of the Kingora (Kingwa River).
Travelling by dog team in the valley of the Kingora (Kingwa River).
Travelling by dog team in the valley of the Kingora (Kingwa River).
Results 51 to 60 of 263