- File
- 1939-1950
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Correspondence and documents relating to FitzGerald’s time at the Winnipeg School of Art.
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Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Correspondence and documents relating to FitzGerald’s time at the Winnipeg School of Art.
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Photograph of L.L. FitzGerald painting a watercolour. Photo credit: Ronald Hooper
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Christmas cards from Mr. and Mrs. FitzGerald.
Part of Personal papers
Documents include a list of contents, lectures and lecture notes.
Part of Personal papers
Documents include a list of contents, lectures and lecture notes.
Part of Personal papers
Documents include a list of contents, lectures and lecture notes.
Part of Personal papers
Documents include a list of contents, lectures and lecture notes.
Part of Clara Lander fonds
Part of Personal papers
Documents include family history, clippings, letters, a poem by Dr. Lander, and an essay