- File
- 2004
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include invitations to the exhibition, correspondence and various newspaper articles.
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Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include invitations to the exhibition, correspondence and various newspaper articles.
Part of Intermedia Fonds
Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the preparation of the event. Includes also news releases, contracts budgets and advertisements.
Organization & Correspondence 2/2
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence and meeting minutes.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence, publication drafts, and various newspaper articles.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence, labels, installation instructions, event sheets, and a CD containing photographs of the exhibition.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence, and shipping forms.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include expense sheets, various correspondence, loan agreements, lists of works, and various exhibition agreements.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include expense sheets, cheque requisition forms, various exhibition agreements and payment statements.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include an exhibition catalogue, a copy of WAG's publication Tableau, images from the exhibition, a list of works, and drafts for the catalogue.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include artwork labels, publication and label drafts, various correspondence, artwork lists, meeting minutes and maps of the gallery.