Hole being dug to hold an anchor for a tower antenna.
- CA WAGA 2023.62-2023.62-2023.62
- Item
- 1959
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Hole being dug to hold an anchor for a tower antenna.
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Photograph of L.L. FitzGerald painting a watercolour. Photo credit: Ronald Hooper
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
"Photograph of L.L. FitzGerald at one of the elevators." Description and photograph by Ronald Hooper.
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Photograph of L.L. FitzGerald sketching in a field. Photo credit: Ronald Hooper
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Photograph of L.L. FitzGerald sketching in Silver Heights. Photograph credit:
Part of L.L. FitzGerald Fonds
Photograph of L.L. FitzGerald working at the Medical College.
Beaver Aircraft landing on wheels in Isachsen. Early model of snowmobile by Bombardier
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Beaver Aircraft, on skis, MacMurray Air Service, Ltd. Isachsen
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds
Part of Richard Moskal Fonds