- FondsRichard Moskal Fonds
- Série2023.62 - Melville Peninsula Expedition
- Dossier2023.62 - Slide Images
- 65 en plus...
- 2023.62.067 - Slides taken on a boat that moved V. Sim and R. Moskal to Igloolik. Slides show boats being towed, with various supplies, for Igloolik and points north. Slide taken while crossing Foster Bay to Pinger Point.
- 2023.62.068 - Eskimo cemetery on high ground overlooking the buildings and homes in Igloolik.
- 2023.62.069 - Eskimo adults and children sitting for a group picture.
- 2023.62.070 - Kolouk, our guide, wife and family.
- 2023.62.071 - Kolouk, our guide, wife and family.
- 2023.62.072 - Eskimo woman with baby. H.B. Post buildings in background.
- 2023.62.073 - H.B. Company post, and two Eskimo boys.
- 2023.62.074 - Kolouk, our guide, his dad and two of his children.
- 2023.62.075 - Richard Moskal, Kolouk and Vic Sim standing on the pebbled beach at Igloolik.
- 21 en plus...