- CA WAGA 2011.3-2011.3
- File
- 1997-2001
Part of Intermedia Fonds
Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the planning of After 5.
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Part of Intermedia Fonds
Organizational documents and correspondence relating to the planning of After 5.
8 photographs. 4 slides. Photographs of various posters and advertising for WAG exhibitions.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include correspondence regarding the Advanced Information booklet, an installation checklist, and an essay on Alfred Pellan and the exhibition.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include an advanced information booklet on the Alfred Pellan exhibition.
Documents from the education department relating to adult programming and tours.
Part of Director's Office fonds
Documents from the directorate office relating to the Information/Admissions Centre renovations.
Part of Intermedia Fonds
Consists of various applications for licenses, tariffs, inventory lists and various correspondence.
Documents from the marketing and communications department relating to administration committees such as the Women’s Committee and the Board of Governors.
Address as Canadian Academy of Arts President.
Part of Charles Comfort fonds
Documents include newspaper clippings, writing on Fine Art in Winnipeg Collections by Ferdinand Eckhardt, and an excerpt from an address given by Charles Comfort, as the RCA President.
Part of Curatorial Department fonds
Documents include various correspondence with art galleries and artists.