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L.L. FitzGerald Fonds

  • Arquivo
  • ca. 1910-1964

222 photographs, textual records

Board of Governors fonds

  • Arquivo
  • 1963-1992

Consists of board and committee meetings, correspondence, by-laws and by-law amendments, membership lists, and other relating documents.

Phyllis McField fonds

  • Arquivo
  • 1911

Scrapbook made by School of Art student Phyllis McField.

Personal papers

  • CA WAGA 2003.14
  • Série
  • ca. 1930-1978, predominant 1950-1978

The materials described here date from ca. 1930 to 1978. Items include internal WAG correspondence; WAG ephemera; lectures and essays; her father's personal papers; MA and PhD theses; and newspaper and magazine clippings related to art, art history, Jewish art and history, education, and book reviews of women writers. Interspaced throughout the items in the donation are small post-it notes provided by Dr. Lander's daughter.

As no formal organization was apparent in the materials described here, based on the contents of the donation and notes provided by Dr. Lander’s daughter, the items were arranged according to the order in which they were received. Loose items have been filed according to topic. The files are arranged under a single series. Materials were arranged largely in the order in which they were received.

Education and Public Programs fonds

  • Arquivo
  • 1959

Consists of various programming records of the WAG such as exhibition tours, various meetings within each unit, research and coordination between this department and other departments.

Richard Moskal Fonds

  • Arquivo

Photographs, maps, a diary, and various objects from Richard Moskal’s research expedition to Ellef Ringnes Island and the Melville Peninsula in the Qikiqtaaluk Region in Nunavut. The expedition was run by the Geographic Branch of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys of Canada. The purpose was to take aerial photographs and perform research on the topography and geography of the land. More information on the background and contents of this series are found in Box 1 Folder 1. Richard Moskal acted as Project Assistant as a student from Western University in London, Ontario.

Clara Lander fonds

  • Arquivo
  • 1930-1978, predominant 1950-1978

The materials described here date from ca. 1930 to 1978. Items include internal WAG correspondence; WAG ephemera; lectures and essays; her father's personal papers; MA and PhD theses; and newspaper and magazine clippings related to art, art history, Jewish art and history, education, and book reviews of women writers. Interspaced throughout the items in the donation are small post-it notes provided by Dr. Lander's daughter.

As no formal organization was apparent in the materials described here, based on the contents of the donation and notes provided by Dr. Lander’s daughter, the items were arranged according to the order in which they were received. Loose items have been filed according to topic. The files are arranged under a single series. Materials were arranged largely in the order in which they were received.

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